Friday, February 9, 2007

What happens if a boy does NOT play video games?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? I see SO many boys (ages 7-10) walking around this world (stores, sporting events) playing their hand held video games. That is all they are doing. I call them "game boy zombees". I even made up a song to sing about them. These boys are not looking up to see the world around them. They are not talking to people. They are not interacting with their families. They are addicts. Game boy addicts. Dr. John Rosemond starting warning parents in 1980 NOT to let their children get addicted to these types of games. Why? Electronic stimulation, constant stimulation, constant adrenaline. Boys (and girls) get addicted to this type of stimulation. In turn, they do not do as well as they could in school, in college, in the workplace, in their relationships. I wonder how many of the 50% of marriages that fail, fail because of this type of addiction. Have you ever thought about this?


Jessica's Blogs said...

Tru dat homie (Just checking for you to see if your comments are enabled...they are)

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, sis! You are out there and opinionated -
Just spell "zombies" correctly next time.
You know I had to give you some constructive criticism!
Love you.

banana6370 said...

Finally someone speaks with intelligence!!!!! I wonder, would Harry Potter exist if J.K. Rowling played video games? Or, for that matter, Batman, Superman, or any other fantastically imaginative characters??